Free n fun bar bingo indiana

Want a drink but can't find anything to hold your liquid?! Boy do we have the products for YOU! Aug 24, 2020 Hosted by FreeN' Fun Bar Bingo here every Monday. Ten games with prizes in each game. The 6 regular Bingo games has prizes for 1 adult & 1 kids winner. The Cash Jackpot Cover All Game has a payout of $3,000-$10,000 plus Scoreboard adds another $1,000 for their customers only.

Bridges' Trivia Night

#HumpDayisStumpDay at Bridges' Scoreboard! Come out to play a game with friends while you enjoy great food, drinks, and a general stumping good time! You deserve a mid-week night out spending time with pals new and old! The game is four rounds, four questions each with a bonus question after the first 3 rounds and our Final QQpardy Wager question after round 4. It is ALWAYS FREE TO PLAY and the winning team wins a $25 Bridges' Gift Card!They always have food and drink specials. They also always have some great local brews to offer!

Every Thursday, until Jan 27th, 2020

Free Bar Bingo Thursdays

Join us every Thursday night @ 6pm for Free Bar Bingo.Hosted by FreeN' Fun Bar Bingo here every Thursday night.Ten games with prizes for the winner of each game.The last game of the night is the Cover All Cash Jackpot Game. If you cover your card in the allotted number of balls you will win a cash jackpot of between $3,000-$10,000 plus another $1,000 Scoreboard adds to the jackpot for their customers only. Great Food & Drink Specials! If you're dining & playing Bingo call Scoreboard @ 219-924-2206 to reserve a table. Good Luck Everyone!

Family Bingo Night Mondays


On Monday's join us for Family Bingo Night @ 6pm. It's free to play.Hosted by FreeN' Fun Bar Bingo here every Monday.Ten games with prizes in each game.The 6 regular Bingo games has prizes for 1 adult & 1 kids winner.The Cash Jackpot Cover All Game has a payout of $3,000-$10,000 plus Scoreboard adds another $1,000 for their customers only. Winner must hit the cover all in the allotted number of balls.If you're dining & playing Bingo call Scoreboard @ 219-924-2206 to reserve a table.

March 10th

Monthly Membership Meeting- 11:30am

Norman Basile's Street Magic - 7pm to 9pm

March 14th

St. Patrick's Saturday - 10pm

Pipes of Orak Bagpipers - 10am

March 14th

Davidson County Band - 8:30pm

St. Patricks Day - 10am

March 17th

Freen'fun Bar Bingo

NCAA Tournament Play-In Games - 6pm

Pipes of Orak Bagpipers - 10am

March 18th

NCAA Tournament Play-IN Games - 6pm

NCAA Tournament Game Watch Party - 11am

March 19th

Jimmy V Foundation Glass Etching Benefit - 4:30pm

NCAA Tournament Game Watch Party - 11am

March 21st

NCAA Tournament Game Watch Party - 11am

Joe Crede Autograph Signing - 11:30am

March 21st

Willy Loud Band - 8pm

NCAA Tournament Game Watch Party - 5pm

March 26th

NCAA Tournament Game Watch Party - 5pm

NCAA Tournament Game Watch Party - 5pm

March 28th

NCAA Tournament Game Watch Party - 3pm

GFD Night at Bridges' - 6pm

Free Fun Bar Bingo Locations

March 28th

The Sky At Night Band at Scoreboard - 7pm

NCAA Tournament Game Watch Party - 1pm

You Can follow us on Twitter now @ SCOREBOARD121. SCOREBOARD IS NOW SMOKE FREE!!!

The Vintage Shop Hop is a self-guided day of vintage & boutique shopping held twice a year. 400+ vintage & antique shops, along with barn sales, women's boutiques & home decor shops in northern Illinois and southern Wisconsin to roll out the red carpet for you on March 5 & 6, 2021. You just have to grab your friends, hit the road, and shop hard!
We are so excited to be hosting local musician, Nick Gutierrez on Saturday. He will be providing fun live music as you shop!
We will also have store-wide specials throughout the weekend!

Wyckwood House, 14 West Downer Place, Suite 16, Aurora, United States

Where To Play Bar Bingo Minnesota

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